0:00 together you guys will put it together very quickly um we're not gonna we can only a lot of 0:05 the reasons why we couldn't talk and we couldn't share anything is because we were under certain directives 0:10 um this information will be shared accordingly um when the time is right um so just know that we've um 0:17 we've been watching we've been listening and we've been seeing and trust me it hurts us more to know that um 0:25 a lot couldn't have been done during that time um because we couldn't uh really push 0:31 content we couldn't push anything on the discord we couldn't write anything we couldn't say anything 0:36 uh for those who are in the know-how and they've actually know how to do a few google searches um you'll find out the reason 0:42 but um we'll give it we'll give a proper um announcement on regards to that but i just wanted to let you all know and i 0:48 know that we're very little few here at the moment we're only eight um usually when we start getting things 0:54 together i know it's gonna get a lot more busier and there's going to be quite a 0:59 few um things happening so let me quickly clear up a little bit 1:05 of the um the scenarios and all the 1:10 what's the right word to use now you guys look you you all are the first to hear this directly from me right this is 1:15 the first time i'm coming out into the public and um god knows many many years um to actually 1:21 speak out we're gonna um let me just give you give you what's going to happen um 1:26 because at this moment i need to i need to time everything correctly so that you know it's there's enough um the 1:33 information is put out not in over like an overwhelming amount of information but just enough just the information 1:39 that is needed to digest at that moment because we can bombard you with lots of information about what's happened but 1:45 it's not gonna i'd like to piece it together so that you have the understanding of why things have been silent why things have 1:51 been quiet why there hasn't been updates but i'm not going to address that right now all right what i am addressing is 1:58 some of the rumors so that you all know about it first firstly 2:04 arcadia isn't dead the developers are not um was um 2:11 the developers aren't gone right we have been here we have been developing 2:16 and we have been putting things together the only problem is we can publish it because of certain reasons but we'll get 2:23 to that in the post future burst um 2:29 there i'm sorry i'm just checking if there's some people that are having problems getting in i don't understand all right 2:35 so the next thing that i want to put out there just to give you guys an idea um we are 2:41 not dead right it might seem like that on the surface 2:46 but we have been working very very hard behind the behind the um behind the veil 2:51 to prepare enough content when we come and reveal our faces so what we're going to be doing all right 2:57 we have got content that has been prepared for arcadia we've got naturally we've got content that has been prepared 3:04 for the moon so all you did hold us up there um yes there's some 3:09 extra things coming for the moon that will help you guys but um this will only be announced in the future so 3:16 um we've been focusing on the moon and we've been really putting some things together 3:21 um we've been focusing the underground as well and we have been focusing arcadia and the storylines but now the next thing 3:27 before i get into all of that you'll get your announcements and all that kind of stuff that's going to come out so that clarity can be made if you guys have 3:34 questions just drop it right like drop it in the talk discussions i'll answer them as i get it um oh no no 3:40 um you you can you can play around whichever way you want i'm we're going you can buy deeds you can sell deeds i'm 3:47 not gonna i'm not gonna give you any behind the scenes information 3:52 um once the restrictions are removed they will allow you to push the updates at once or will that be releasing stages 3:58 okay so we're going to be releasing it in stages so that we can kind of like catch up with the law 4:03 um so that we can catch up with um so that we can just get the story back 4:08 onto onto track okay so let me quickly explain uh one of the biggest um 4:15 how can i say transgressions we're going to be addressing this tomorrow in the meeting um a lot of you have been experiencing 4:22 an error 25 in your mission right now what happens is just to quickly put it 4:28 out there a lot has we're actually going to revert to change that was given to us um because of this change it was a 4:35 platform change that actually happened now as you might know arcadia is one of those those one of the planets that um 4:43 what what what is people saying they can't see the rules i'm so confused 4:49 how is that 20 people concealed but 33 excuse hello 4:55 what do they mean here i'm so confused sorry i'm busy keeping track of all the 5:01 stuff it just confuses me when some people get it right and some don't but any case i know it's working because 5:06 you're all here um okay so the error 25 that's happening is because um of a codex implementation so the 5:14 codex has caused us a little bit of a headache because a lot of the arcadia missions have been created 5:19 around storyline storytelling so when you do the smuggler missions you would go out you would you know hunt you would 5:26 hunt your stage six and um when you finished that iron mission um you would be granted access 5:33 into you know the smuggler warehouses you'll get your rewards and quite a few things would be granted 5:39 to your way unfortunately um not our decision and not our implementation it was um 5:47 emma went and they disconnected the iron missions because we were supposed to be given a here 5:53 um to fix this all up and prepare it for you um it was done according to a schedule so the person who did this 5:59 didn't really have much um knowledge of the uh the real intricacies of how our stories are and our missions 6:06 are connected to each other especially with land area not lander events sorry i correct myself when it comes to 6:12 events such as you know a firebase attack or something of the sort or you know some strangely a mech 6:19 pops up in the quarry you know all this kind of jazz so what would what happens is that the the 6:25 the person actually disconnected it and caused a major hiccup and unfortunately this is done on platform 6:31 side and we can't control what happens on platform side so we are busy renovating that that's 6:37 one of the missions and missions here me forgive me well everything feels like a mission at the moment but we are addressing it tomorrow in a 6:44 meeting so that we can rectify this and possibly get a special update pushed out for arcadia so that we can get this all 6:51 remedied i have been pinged but i guess i will have to take a look afterwards i don't understand how 6:59 let me just see what's happening here verified maintenance car yeah the person's got me 7:05 hello how do they not see that i am confused 7:12 i'm really confused um making colors of click in the 7:17 checkbox yes everyone gets killed colonists yes i did and and we don't know what you have 7:23 different stages is colors and we don't um yeah you need to click colonists 7:30 what's not being granted let me have a look at this problem sorry because i don't want to give any i have people who 7:35 are having issues here um but while i'm continuing the conversation um 7:41 so we are going to be addressing the situation we are kind of like in in dire need of some extra time 7:48 and um we are busy working on trying to rectify 7:54 uh let me just delete this channel quickly there we go that is deleted why is this not working 8:00 how is it that everything works for someone or i'm so confused 8:06 yes yes there we go service dude 8:13 yeah that will work that should be granted colonist sorry 8:19 i'm just double checking sorry for the delay everyone i apologize for this uh 8:24 yeah everyone should be able to see it now let me just have a look um so edit 8:32 impressions verified yep 8:44 okay that's fine yeah they can they can already add 8:49 directions they've got everything i am so confused i am confused 8:55 why they are not not being able to see that or not react to that 9:02 i tried unticking and re-ticking a couple of times like i mentioned the channel is visible but 9:09 [Music] 9:18 okay that's my bad that's my bad my bad's permission era they're full of i'm sorry 9:25 all right let's try again okay i can't take my up excuse my language 9:32 listen i'm a very down-to-earth human being right i have i i kind of like do here um 9:39 do have my moments all right so um the the big issue that's been happening 9:45 is because we're trying to reconnect everything and we're trying arcadia's quite the collection of um 9:53 what's right how can i say this it is quite the collection of stories that is quite the collection of 9:59 law it's quite the uh the the um the collection of um 10:07 what's the right word how can i how can i implement this um it's quite the 10:14 it's a massive collection of intricate networks put together of law and of story and of missions so 10:21 everything um it's what server rules is blank how 10:33 this this is this is the moment i this is where you know sitting at three o'clock in the morning does things uh 10:40 read message history yes yes yes everyone can see it let's just do that one everyone can see 10:46 it everyone can view the channel yes everyone can create 10:51 everyone can add reactions 10:57 okay everyone can use external i can just do that and boom let's just save that let's see 11:04 i took it away captain took it away i took them away 11:11 all right hopefully sorry i apologize for the inconvenience and the wait for for this but um 11:17 i just want to see that everyone comes in properly there we go hopefully they'll be able to see some 11:23 things um this poor bot is working overtime now 11:29 you should be working i'm going to drop some unlimited perseus 11:34 parts i can finish my armor 11:42 if i could drop that we got we had a big drop now a week if i could drop things i would drop firstly 11:49 up an apology valued it like tt of at least like a grand 11:56 but um yeah no it's been it's been a bit of a rough a rough journey 12:01 but um coming back to the the codex i hope everyone's going to be able to come in and out because i think they're 12:07 moving so quickly um that i don't think they they they seeing what's actually happening 12:12 they're trying to rush the system so um 12:19 yeah the the missions are bugged um a lot of missions i actually bugged um this was 12:26 because of an upgrade that was done into the system some of the changes that were made um affected it affected us so a lot of the 12:33 changes that actually happened happen first on calypso and then from there they get implemented across the across 12:39 the the universe now um with all of our all the planner partners 12:44 have been working really really hard to accommodate these changes and these and these implications and all the niceties 12:50 of everything so um we are all working hard um 12:55 we're trying we're working really hard to accommodate the changes because everything's coming as many announcements have been um have 13:03 been made for you know the future of unreal um we don't have information on that so 13:08 i can't talk about that at the moment and there's a lot of information that's actually gone out with regards to um 13:15 what upgrades are coming what economy changes are gonna happen um you know what new items can be 13:20 allowed what can't be alarmed discontinued items things are going to happen you know there's like a lot of a lot of the things that we're doing with 13:26 arcadia is doing a lot of um uh what's what's the right word um 13:32 house housekeeping so we're trying to we're trying to get rid of you know 13:38 a lot of the the old unused assets and unused things so that 13:44 we don't hog up everyone we're trying to fix up all those big icons that are in your inventory we're trying to make 13:50 things look neater product tidier and quite decent so that when you come to arcadia and you do your looting 13:56 of you know whatever crafting hunting mine you know it will look decent it would look nice now we're also looking at the 14:03 blueprint economy um we're looking at i know that a lot of you have had problems 14:09 with um crafting i know the craft is uh we haven't forgotten about you 14:14 um trust me you are almost our number one priority at the moment because we know that a lot of the blueprints 14:19 literally um kind of like don't have much value because of some changes that have 14:25 happened in the generalized spawn of items such as like the weapons the weapons in arcadia are shitty and um 14:33 all due respect i i'm the one that originally balanced them and they're actually dog um and i need to go and get those all 14:40 addressed again at ma with the balancing team because um 14:46 the the biggest thing as well is we don't like the way things 14:51 like happened over the last two two three years ish because some of the instances the loot 14:59 there is absolute crap uh when people were running the arcus instances um they were just dropping 15:05 shrapnel and getting absolute uh all the respect it was an absolute waste 15:11 of money to run those things and we are addressing them i know that the purse has dropped and um 15:18 this this was actually an amazing thing that i dropped and this is also we're going to be addressing in our meeting um 15:23 why it took so long to drop and how it took you know what was the matrix what 15:29 were used and um mystique i don't know i don't i don't 15:35 you know the beauty of the beauty of being well actually it's it's a double-edged sword for us right um we 15:42 don't have any control over the loot we can tell what goes into the loot but we can never cut we can never tell 15:47 you when it's going to drop and what needs to happen for it to drop so that's all i mind like mine dark or 15:53 the supreme gods of the economy and um they manage everything so if they 15:59 decide to pull a plug on an item they pull the plug on an item and then you're gonna see me go off like a uh oompa 16:05 loompa out to sweden and start throwing my toys out my card so the point is i'm going to be very active with community 16:11 um it's taken a long time for us to get here i'm very honest sometimes too honest for my own good 16:18 i kind of like address people directly because i want you guys to understand that i am not just a community manager 16:26 or an official i am i want to be the person that you can come to and you can literally like all the respect forgive 16:32 me i'm just going to give you an example now i want you to come to me and say jesus 16:38 king dylan you why is this not working blah blah blah blah blah blah i want you guys to come to me all right i 16:44 want to be more of a friend kind of like a person a colleague that you can speak to and you can literally throw your toys 16:50 that you can't have and you can listen but i must you must understand that i'm also that kind of person so i'm going to 16:56 tell you listen if stop com start stop telling me you want to go and hunt you 17:02 know um i don't know you want to go and hunt um the gammas on the moon with only 10 17:09 pairs worth of ammo i'm going to tell you you know what go go away just go away all right um 17:15 because i'm literally there there's a difference between asking an intellectual question right like 17:20 literally asking a question or saying there's no okay let me rather put it this way there's no such thing as a dumb 17:26 there's no sitting as a dumb question there is dumb answer right and sometimes 17:31 i'm going to use my sarcasm to answer you right because i'm i need you to think the game is a thinking game we all 17:37 have to think ourselves around the place it's real cash we're working with um it's all um 17:42 [Music] what you're talking in maintenance mode talking talk discussion 17:49 come here thank you so all right because now i'm jumping 17:54 between two channels god damn it slap you with the where's that above the arcadia main 18:01 stage my guy click it to click there we go 18:11 all right so okay so please i'm i'm i'm busy i'm busy like i'm going squint here but noticing 18:18 the two different channels all right so all right so yes we've been quiet um there has been there has been a 18:25 lot of reasons why this has happened right so i won't kind of like bring it out to you i'm coming in we're coming to 18:31 start up the planet again we're jump starting everything again right this update i'm telling you now there's not 18:37 going to be much that's coming in except fixes right we need to fix up our foundation first 18:43 and we need to make sure that everything is right how this is going to enable us 18:48 to be able to there will be something captain don't stress don't stress um i'm not going to tell you what's 18:54 coming in the update that's the only thing i need to tell you we are working on fixes right we need to get that error 18:59 25 out of the out of the out of the the get out of the planet because i swear to god if i get one more 19:05 person asking me what's wrong with this area the the error 25 and people everyone in 19:11 the community literally says it's been there's the notification um 19:16 yeah i'm kind of like i'm already going i'm going already losing my i'm like i'm 19:21 repeated myself so much i've actually got a canned message that i literally say control paste control page so um 19:27 [Music] so yeah so yeah mistake just to quickly give you an idea we've we've 19:35 we kind of like revisited um and we are revisiting a lot of arcadia's 19:42 treasure as well um treasure really hasn't had much of a purpose except in the blueprints and we 19:47 all know the blueprints tend to um when um certain economy changes were made and certain loots were dropped and 19:54 weapons could be looted from certain items from creatures unknown to you know this discussion even though it's known 20:01 sorry i'm talking in circles here but everyone knows what i'm talking about hopefully um we're we're looking at 20:07 creating pseudos we're creating um new experiences new instances new 20:14 environments there's going to be um [Music] i can't talk about it right i really 20:21 like you okay so first of all let me quickly tell you like this i don't want to run this meeting like uh um 20:28 um you know i can tell you about that but it's i'm not in the position to say kind 20:33 of thing i just want to tell you all if i can tell you something i will tell you straight off the bat 20:38 the hands down if i if i tell you i can't talk about it because that's kind of like hush hush behind the scenes kind 20:44 of stuff um you must understand that i know what's happening but i can't talk 20:49 about it because if i do talk about it i get fired okay that's that's how bad it is right 20:55 um so i want you all to know we've kind of like we've kind of like come to a point almost like we've come 21:01 to the peak where we're looking down upon arcadia and we've heard everyone we've heard how 21:06 we are we've heard how terrible we are we've heard the stories about our arcadia has been abandoned 21:13 and people have said oh the dev team don't give a damn and the dots and brothers and all kinds of you know blah 21:19 blah blah right we've heard it all we've seen it all we've we're not blind we've seen some of these things 21:25 and um let me be the first to tell you right 21:31 um we've heard your cries with regards to 21:36 events we will answer we've heard your cries regarding the 21:41 blueprint economy and crafting we will answer we've heard your cries regarding the 21:48 upgrade missions we will answer we have heard about your 21:56 certain armors that you want to upgrade we will answer 22:02 and we have we have heard you all right and 22:07 we're listening and we are not deaf or blind to 22:12 your desires and we are going to do our best to implement everything as you guys want 22:19 and the one thing that we want to do and this is very important i'm i'm the kind of like the forefront 22:25 myself and livio are um listening and we're watching uh we have a meeting tomorrow 22:31 uh where we're gonna be sitting and we're going to be talking about all the uh changes 22:37 um that are gonna happen on on planetside do first let me tell you do not stress you don't have to go and sell 22:43 out and chip out and all that kind of stuff don't stress it's not that much massive things everything that we're going to do is going to contribute 22:50 um it's going to give value um we are also going to do a few modifications to the moon 22:56 we already have done a few modifications to the moon it's already been up put onto the moon there's actually new areas 23:02 on the moon that people haven't discovered yet um we are looking at so many things that 23:08 are actually implemented and put in and the we're going to be working on the 23:14 arcadia underground the arcadia underground's got quite a bit of work coming its way as well um so 23:20 we are listening okay and um there will be another gold rush event just letting 23:25 you tell please please please please please play the game as it was intended right yes 23:33 there's a lot of people that are talking about let me say there's a lot of people 23:38 worried about things are happening on arcadia don't stress about that right we've come to we've kind of like come to 23:44 a frustration where we're kind of like going to focus on the content uh we're gonna do it to the best of the 23:51 ability a lot of you are law hunters and um a lot of you are just wanna do 23:56 some things for profit if you wanna go profit um without some storyline 24:01 man go buy yourself some explosive projectiles and go and craft the crap out of it i don't i don't do that kind of what i do is i build story i 24:09 build law i build engagement okay so 24:14 if you want to go and do things go and craft go in mine go on the hunt go do whatever you want i i'm not going to 24:21 i'm not going to sit here and create those little missions that you know 24:26 forgive me and i'm honest i'm not going to sit here and um just create little grind missions 24:32 i can create thousands of those within days i want to create an engaging experience 24:38 where you feel proud to be part of the ecosystem part of the economy as part of the planet 24:44 now i have failed on this regard um a lot over the last um 24:50 a few years and it's not because i wanted to it's not that i 24:56 chose to do this and i also speak for david and the rest of the team we were 25:02 not allowed and it's bigger and better than what 25:08 you know what some people have said but we will we will we will reveal those 25:13 truths to you once we've gotten the right thing and we've prepared the right statement 25:19 um because i'd like to also invite david into this discord david dobson so that 25:25 we can also have him i'll ask him a few questions right we'll do a little interview with david 25:30 and we'll have him also come out of the woodwork to speak to you guys um 25:36 so [Music] it is it is rather um 25:42 a it's a bit of a change i might say um so 25:48 you know what um let me quickly see if he's around maybe i can get him in line quickly yeah i doubt he's online at the 25:55 moment 26:06 let's see if he's around let's see if i can get david quickly 26:11 um he's in australia at the moment i'm in south africa just by the way it's 12 minutes past three 26:16 in the morning for me at the moment so um i'm usually awake at this time 26:22 i'll just check if david gets hold of the message um but any case um i want you guys to also know 26:28 the biggest the biggest thing that you guys have to understand right 26:34 um we have really really really really sat 26:40 back and we've watched and listened to everyone talk and i know you know we don't we don't have 26:48 hard feelings right um we don't have when you guys hear the truth i know that some of you are gonna 26:54 go like oh um if i knew this um you know 26:59 it would have been a different story and ah that's why you couldn't say anything and uh you know a lot of people have their 27:06 grudges but the point is i'm not here to change your grudge i'm not here to convince you otherwise 27:12 um if you guys want to throw tomatoes potatoes and all kinds of cabbages just please don't throw um 27:19 brussels sprouts unless they've got like blue cheese on them um the big thing is that we want to prove 27:25 um what we want to prove things better we only prove ourselves to you 27:31 guys right we're not we're not really we're not here to kiss us we're not here to 27:37 um put ourselves into the accountability of like ah you know this is why and now you 27:42 just have to forgive us no that excuse my language i want you guys to take it and i want you guys to hold us 27:48 accountable um for perfecting it and holding things up 27:53 we don't want to be hiding behind excuses and dynamic answers and um 27:59 stupid little um one sentence one sentence little statements we want 28:06 to be honest we want to be true you guys have a lot of you have invested in the planet you've got investments such as 28:12 land areas you've got um crafting blueprints that are so only available to you you've only got um 28:20 all these kind of mechanisms that you have spent your time on arcadia to 28:25 to get together we want to show you the difference we want um we want to show you how we change things 28:31 and please note that we are a very we are the smallest team in entropy universe just by the way 28:39 um with all the planet partners and um yeah we are we're the smallest 28:44 team in all planet partners um i don't know how many are on rocktopia 28:50 to be honest with you but i think we are smaller than rock rope here yeah hey does rocktrap zero i don't know 29:00 i don't know i really don't know um if uh if hey trophies if rocktopia is 29:07 zero then we are second um so i'm not sure but in any case we're not 29:13 here to discuss other planner partners we're all planning partners we all work together and we're going to work very hard to do 29:19 some special things between ourselves and interplanetary happiness and joys so 29:26 um i want you all to also know one more thing um 29:31 it really it really um it really puts us into a little bit of a 29:38 disposition at the moment because we're kind of like behind the ball with everyone else and 29:43 we want to kind of like get cat caught up with some of our content now we will be addressing our content in the 29:49 following way i am going to by the way i am going to create a voice channel when i will be 29:55 activating webcam i'll be activating um direct access you will see what we've 30:01 done in the in our test environment so you can literally see some stuff before it even gets implemented into it of 30:06 course you will not get any economical edge in regards to everything um 30:13 you won't be able to see what's going to happen from a financial point of view 30:19 but i definitely will tell you we've got ideas um 30:24 that we're going to be putting into the planet um depending of course if it gets authorized 30:32 or if you know well it's gonna we go we're gonna we're gonna have our all our ducks in a row to make sure that it 30:38 comes through so i'm not doing live webcam enough 30:45 not happening god you you know i can understand that um 30:51 i can understand that you guys might you know have be upset for those for about two three years but god do you think i'm 30:56 going to show you how i look like on webcam now i don't want to be left over for you guys do we blame for bleaching 31:02 your eyes please please come now i have i have i'm not that much of a monster 31:08 so um yeah what else can i tell you um i don't really i can't tell you too much right 31:15 now until i've got enough information to share this is literally i'm just swinging it 31:21 i haven't planned anything that i'm gonna tell you i haven't planned anything i am literally just winging it 31:27 out there so for the next it's 20 17 minutes plus three and i have a meeting in five hours 31:34 um uh ask your questions ask a few questions i'll answer them to the best 31:39 of my ability you got five minutes ask your questions please be please please please be reasonable with your questions 31:45 if you're going to ask me to add special things to it's not happening i don't have any control do not ask me about 31:51 when's the economy going to increase don't tell me where to go and find certain items i don't know 31:56 honestly um so and when you're gonna ask me when i'm gonna press the huff button 32:01 i don't have such luxuries so all right let's quickly see here uh 32:07 tell us why mayhem i don't watch which mayhem and we don't control anything on the 32:14 uh we don't control anything of the memes um how do i win the game there is no 32:20 winning there is only profiting and successes and there's only smart 32:26 choices in the game if you don't don't just hunt something because it's huntable hunted hunt within your economy 32:34 um a lot of people have this problem where they they literally will go and buy the biggest gun thinking that this 32:39 is like a pay to win game it's not necessarily pay to win um you've got to be smart about your 32:44 actions um if you're not going to go and enhance the right weapons to do the right job and protect yourself from the 32:50 right mobs that's a learning experience but you pay that you don't pay that with time only 32:57 you pay that with real cash so be smart about your stuff make excel documents it's quite impressive next thing golden 33:03 door fix yes it's coming gold noir is being fixed we are refurbishing and we're going to redo a 33:08 lot of the loot inside of golden door we know that some of the dark knight of acadia stuff hasn't dropped we know that 33:15 sandstorm is there's some stuff that hasn't dropped we are working on this we are actually going to be changing some 33:21 um serious serious loot balancing on it and we kind of like going to 33:26 we we're checking listen just don't quote me on this all right we're checking we kind of like want to drop 33:33 the price of the golden door um key but uh we will let people know like two 33:39 views before we do something like that so that we can get more people into that um this is just under discussion this is 33:45 really but everything is going to remain the same until we changed it but we won't make such a drastic change unless we told everyone listen we're going to 33:52 change this um we are going to do this next update so use your keys or sell them trade them to them whatever you 33:58 want um before we do anything like that everything is going to be told that major major in advance before things get 34:04 changed all right next time can you read me a bedtime story depends what bedtime story 34:10 um i don't know yes maybe next one bonnie dylan will arc still be a big 34:15 player but we'll be a big player in the planet yes oh we are going to be doing quite a bit on arcadia um 34:23 uh gravis upgrades uh gravis upgrades give me some context there drifter i can't answer that question i can't 34:29 speak in syllables you need to ask me what you want to know about the upgrades well everything i have now in storage 34:36 work with other stuff in the future i don't know what you have in storage but a lot of the unusable items um keeping 34:42 in mind we don't want to do decorations we don't like a lot of the decorations those are going to be added and changed and fixed 34:48 um but we are going to be using an um what's the right word 34:53 we are going to give items purpose if that makes sense i'm not going to tell you which items 34:59 just telling you items will have purpose um i have the long chain to get the drop ship still will be there yes that will 35:07 be there don't worry about that that that that that has never ever ever um 35:12 dropped or we will never we will never ever get rid of that the 35:18 um ifn the ifn missions to go from you know pleb up to god almighty 35:25 and get your dropship that will always be there um um 35:31 next question uh the perfect advice roy maybe 35:37 on a serious note dylan can you commit to taking expl what exploit reports from the community to and take corrective 35:42 actions that make sense such as exploiting pvp mining okay this is actually something this is 35:49 actually a harsh topic that's actually come up a lot um about people that are exploiting they're hiding in their 35:55 little car shooting from their little cars and people put the into their uh their 36:00 vehicles and teleportation there is actually a solution in the work for this kind of stuff as well as 36:06 the mining and hunting of people so we are looking at the exploits we're 36:12 also looking at the botting um we're looking at a lot of things unfortunately it's not 36:18 um our decision to make it is minox so 36:23 we'll see i call it the mining of people i used to be a pvp when i used to play in trophy guys i was there before 36:30 cryengine too so shh all right um 36:35 like i might i was there when we used to sit down people i just know that that's my how far my knowledge of this game 36:41 goes all right next question okay and warehouse access now ifn 36:47 mission's gone no the warehouse missions are gonna be changed um they were connected into our um 36:53 our um 36:58 iron missions that were connected to our iron missions now because iron missions have been discontinued due to the codex 37:04 we are looking at alternative means to be able to create that in a much more easier more prominent way so that we 37:09 don't you know none of that and none of that rubbish happens we are looking at fixing that 37:14 uh 300 paid per click b bp win oh god have you ever have you ever crafted a 37:20 golden key 37:26 that's just my question um will the moon have new instances maybe 37:34 that's my that's my my answer maybe i can't i can't give context yet if i give you a maybe just know we've got ideas 37:42 right we've got we've got concepts and uh let's have a look uh 37:48 i'm just double checking all the things i have i don't have access despite the two ticks we'll try to log uh try on 37:54 that oh yeah granny let me help you uh 38:00 well there i'll give it to you there's great degree 38:07 well the bot's a bit delayed i need to fix the spot okay so uh let me quickly get that 38:18 gamble the monster upgrades like khalid to maddox and military um upgrade missions are coming 38:25 yes there are upgrade missions coming a third person respawn in golden door is buggy no is not easy to trigger which 38:33 can impact possible ped cycling we are looking at redoing the gold no 38:38 would it be possible to implement a mission reward uh what that would allow free teleportation to the minion back 38:45 um we haven't even thought about that but 38:51 that's a good idea i'll i'll present that and see if we can get that through 38:56 yeah i think i'll i'll check if we can get that that's quite convenient i'll check it i'll make a note of it 39:03 ah good to hear mining of people yes i mind people i want to mine people yeah you do 39:09 do we need a special kind of probe for that 39:14 don't start these jokes so early in the morning i'm too tired 39:20 any discussions about making viceroy tradable 39:25 yes um can you bring back the butt slide and 39:30 jukeboxes um [Music] 39:37 no i wish you could i wish we could but unfortunately that that's oh man memories are flying back right now 39:44 um where we're looking um 39:50 where we really miss it uh may i i mean a spam click psycho baby like rock trophy truck i had bp three 39:57 energy of treasure that currently has zero markup uh we can look into it we can look into it 40:02 so yes i do speak afrikaans um and i speak 40:08 singlish and queen here and i'm learning mandarin at the moment 40:14 i'm bringing for the probe no gg uh what's the future for arcadium it's all we need 40:21 to know feature for kd is good all right unfortunately i do not have control of what happens on the planet it's outside 40:28 of my hand i'm only a content creator as well as a developer with regards to 40:34 the content now um what happens on an executive level i 40:39 can't speak of i don't know that's not my side that is not my place to speak 40:45 so um that is completely based on principles that are above above me 40:52 but i can tell you one thing the future 4k is good and from what my knowledge is and what i know what i need to do 40:59 um we are working very very hard to get things together 41:04 and um we are going to we are going to make you all proud again we want to resurrect the 41:10 spirit of acadia we want to bring back the events there are going to be a lot of new things coming um i can't speak 41:18 about them now because i don't want to give you false hope right please note like i said we're a small team we're trying to get some things going as 41:24 quickly as we can with our deadlines are so well unhealthy to be put to be honest 41:30 because it's not that deadlines don't get made by us they get paid by may but um 41:36 yeah it's it's it's something we have to adapt to we have to 41:42 work with it we work with what we got oh yeah something to do with treasure would be nice we we've got that coming 41:49 uh we have got ideas um can you give people who were early 41:55 investors a sophie pet that brought enough moon deeds but didn't get one cause they were too early 42:02 and that's unfortunate outside of my hand that is for me that's me 42:09 uh i can't i can't answer that question no boxes mean deets gummy is kicking in 42:17 no tinnitus okay so uh dylan what was the reason behind the vacation of the 42:23 deaf team is anything you can comment on no i can't comment right now yes i can comment on it i just don't have the 42:30 right statement at the moment because i'll wait for a proper statement from those in power that can give me 42:37 that right statement so that i can give that information correctly 42:43 and yes we are we are doing that um we have 42:49 we are working on trying to get communication back as quickly as possible 42:54 um so we'll we'll get that information through to you if you have any questions please now's the time to drop them 43:01 because um i don't know after tomorrow's meeting how much time i'm gonna have to come in here and come and speak to you 43:07 because we've got literally a week and a half to get out and get our asses and tiki and our together so that we 43:13 can fix up these bugs so before i can have a nice little social get together do dab i need to get you i need to get 43:19 the sorted out so you guys can have fun 43:24 um this is why i propose converting la's to profit sharing instead of tax systems 43:31 it it are there any plans how to make five percent tax errors work better in lieu 43:36 2.0 it can be quite limiting to the amount of hunting that can be done um a lot of arcadia's land areas are at four 43:43 percent um as far as i know um [Music] the 43:49 we've got um like a lot of like eight coins and even 43:55 four point yeah yeah but look we're we're trying to we're trying to work on some of those features um trying to make 44:02 things better we have heard um captain we have heard everything from from the players about 44:10 the tax areas and doing it doing like profit share models and you know dropping them in deeds and all that kind 44:15 of stuff we are looking at that kind of avenue um but when something becomes just to just to put it out there so that 44:22 you understand a little bit from the behind the scenes aspect the minute something becomes profit sharing 44:28 um it becomes very limited um it becomes very limited for us to add 44:35 content to it uh because you're selling a uh it's it's a weird it's it's a weird way to explain 44:41 this but you're selling a product that cannot change as quickly as everything around it 44:47 so you've got to give it time so that people can feel comfortable with their investment and then you can actually put something 44:54 um that goes on to the planet we we have to we have to um 45:00 we have to work on that kind of stuff um but yeah we we we heard we heard a lot of people 45:07 uh the planet i agree but it's up to the owner really um yeah most of most of the la the 45:13 alleys that are owned by the players we have no control over what they do with the lender that's their little space 45:18 their little slice of heaven if i may and how they manage it and how they maintain it is completely up to them 45:25 they can they can push it as far as they want the higher they push the tax the more silly that would become they can charge as much as they like we 45:32 can't we can try and convince them but it's their asset and um that's literally 45:38 um if the la owner doesn't want to listen to the community that's hunting personally because like for us that 45:44 manage our land areas our personal land areas um oh um 45:50 just wanna give a second 46:07 give me a second this is okay 46:14 so sorry i'm just actually answering like messages from work and everything and i need to like i'm multitasking like 46:20 a mother i can't insult i can't say that word i'm a decent civilized human being 46:28 what happened there i just made a contradiction 46:38 oh all right what where did i break my rule when i 46:43 wrecked my row where where did i break my row 46:53 i didn't drop the f-bomb several rules this is revealing personal information 46:58 only speak english no drama starting no pointless tag no i explained blah blah blah now 47:05 inappropriate behavior chat trolling extended beyond actual falling 47:10 arguing general rudeness being intentionally rude to another person 47:19 did i break the rule where did i break a rule i is not break a rule 47:26 i did not i did not break a rule i did not break a row 47:31 i'm telling you no i did not break so in the words of the almighty most well-noted 47:38 what's his name cartman you alright there we go 47:44 all right so any case um i just want to quickly pop it out right i want you guys to know 47:50 this is this is how i am this is my mannerism this is how i usually go about and i want you guys to know that we're 47:55 all we're all working to um we're working hard to get you guys 48:01 sorted out and i know it's been it's been a real like it's been it's been it went it was 48:07 like tits up i'm sorry excuse my wording it was bad right um i know you guys had full right to be 48:13 angry with us you still have full right um to be angry with us 48:18 but um i want to get like kind of like i want to get more personal with community i'm going to pull these little arc dev 48:23 talks at least once a month i'm aiming all right keeping in mind we've got a metric 48:29 like massive amount of work to do um so um yeah i'm here i'm here and i 48:35 know you guys want to talk but like i needed to create the stage so that i because my brain is mush i'm 48:41 literally snot between my ears all right and um [Music] you know what um 48:48 i'm going to try and get david online quickly let me see if i can quickly get him he 48:54 just answered me can we have drinking talks yes damn it i what 49:00 next listen listen all right listen linda okay 49:07 the big thing that i want to let you all know i might be the developer i might be an official all right okay i'm not going 49:13 to be i'm not going to be a hot ass right if disrespect i don't stand for that's one thing all right disrespect a 49:19 common courtesy and also if people are being like all due respect if people are being 49:26 rude and discriminate discriminating others and all that kind of crap you're going to see the consequences will be as awful as it 49:33 is with my power to make them so for example if you're on the discord and you really really are a right you 49:38 acting like some balance i'm going to try my best to um show you that those repercussions 49:45 also echo into the game all right and get you suspended however 49:50 that's if you're being a real about things but i want you guys to know that i am 49:56 not i don't i'm not someone that you should worry talking to um i should you must never worry about 50:02 speaking to me speaking your mind right there's a difference between being firm about your discussions 50:08 and also being rude right so and do keep in mind since we got we're on on discord 50:13 um we kind of like you guys have direct access to dming me 50:18 i really want you guys to keep things in the open communication because i get bombarded with dms like crazy 50:24 um if sometimes i've go i've got new players that come in they're like what is sweat 50:30 and i'm like okay here we go all right sweat is this this this is and then you get the 50:35 people's like wise sweat and when is sweat i was like when is sweat 50:41 what do you mean circle when sweat oh you're in a sweat circle and like okay let's go all right 50:47 and there's a massive language barrier sometimes right so you get you get i'm trying my best i'm 50:53 really trying my best but i'd like to ask if everyone can keep it in open discussion um one thing i want to let you know um 51:02 uh i'm gonna see if i can actually i need to see if i can get david online here quickly but i want you all to know um 51:08 before i get david yeah hopefully he's gonna come and join um i want you to know that 51:14 i want you guys to be able to approach me all right i have been listening i have been 51:19 absolutely absolutely very very very observant on what's been 51:24 happening on the forums right the forum's getting an upgrade the website's getting an upgrade everything's getting upgrades social's good that's getting an 51:32 upgrade um we are literally renovating the whole 51:37 how okay it's on my shoulders and live your shoulders at the moment that we got to do live views in-game busy sorting 51:43 out where i am busy working externally and in-game at the same time so 51:48 we are kind of like drawing we want to draw a proper um 51:54 universal kind of aspect between everything um i just want you guys to have fun right 52:00 in the end of the day right a lot of people when you started entropia universe for those who remember before 52:06 you could literally teleport everywhere instantly with the click of a button 52:12 um you had to discover teleporters there were there were nights where people used to run events to run to teleporters 52:19 and find teleporters you know and then you'll buy your first vehicle and your first idea in your first week and two 52:25 you would go and search up all the teleporters now it's all given to you on an open platter we want to we want to bring back that 52:32 spirit of adventure that spirit of excitement um you know having good 52:37 giggles and in the past you know if those who who were there before 52:43 all the crazy happened and you know there was space before space actually you still have to pay 50 52:49 per to teleport to elephantation between planets um there was times when there were community events where you would 52:55 run through and we're talking like this is like calypso times when arcadia popped up and rocktopia you would run 53:02 through the artrox fields right so who can make it to the teleporter and you'll die by the revival you're like 53:08 here we go you know i want to bring back those kind of like funsy things now everybody just climbs into a vehicle 53:15 there they go it's like no you're missing out on so much fun right they're so much fun and only i 53:22 know it's i know it's something that only veterans and old players know about it um get stuck at fort zeus oh my gosh 53:31 and for those who were pre pre-christian do you remember the the days when we could build um 53:37 chairs and tables to see how we climbed up certain buildings and 53:44 it was just fine where that you know we would we would put tables and chairs down and things that we would actually 53:49 jump on top to get to the top of um buildings and you know the community had this silent agreement that 53:56 if anybody anybody picks up one of those items and steals it 54:01 you are dead you will be hunted down 54:08 so it was it was good fun and it really got into real life repercussions like how dare you take my damn 54:15 kick your ass so it was good fun um 54:21 yeah we want to bring back that spirit right because a lot a lot a lot gets hidden a lot gets um 54:28 what's the right word to use here a lot gets forgotten in the powers of um 54:36 prophet prophet prophet half hunting and globals you know there were days when nobody used to global or half a day and 54:42 they would sit around a table just chatting like literally all those days you used to lie around there was times we chat 54:49 and you would have some fun all right we're gonna go there as a community and we'll do this as a community you know i 54:54 want to bring that together so that we create little community nights and um 55:01 who remembers the who remembers the healing pools on calypso 55:08 those things used to be exploited too and yeah i am an arcadia developer right 55:15 knowing this i used to be a player beforehand right 55:21 a vehicle and furniture right 55:30 oh man that was good fun but you see the the thing is is that like now that we're coming out this is what 55:37 i'm missing you guys as well just as much as you guys are missing what's happening on on arcadia 55:43 and we're we're really we're really trying our best we're really really truly trying our best to keep up with 55:48 the with the things and um yeah um if you guys want to i'm going to try 55:54 and quickly ring david up right the rocket-propelled butt rug 56:01 who remembers the the old oil rigs right and the old rocket launchers and your 56:06 body used to go yates like literally fly out the old club never died days 56:12 where um you know you still fly to the to to the 56:17 asteroid that was good fun man it was such so much memories you know those those memories that was 56:23 the day when people didn't give a damn about profit you know profiting was like second to everything else it was pure 56:29 nostalgia it's 25 paid to get to cnd yep yep yep that was the joy that was the 56:36 joy yeah the the the mob trains are like 56:43 crazy but there are certain there are certain aspects of it that people people do you 56:48 know everybody wants to try and get their two pair 50. so 56:54 um that's also something that we're going to be revisiting on arcadia as well as our oil rigs and our you know 56:59 our free moneys um yeah they have to be lootable i agree 57:05 captain i agree but try and convince that with others then you have all the all the the the 57:12 the free runners coming to you support case after somebody says how dare you take my free oil away i will i will 57:20 boycott you stop taking my free away god damn 57:26 it so that's usually the conversation that we have 57:31 so um [Music] 57:37 but i want i want you guys i want you all to know right we're really we're really working on things um i really um 57:46 really am from the bottom bottom bottom bottom of our hearts we are so sorry 57:51 it's taken this long we have very good reason for it and um 57:58 imagine having your back into a corner right where certain things couldn't happen because of certain actions that 58:04 took place outside of your control so um we're we're really really really trying 58:10 to get a few things in place however i'm going to quickly um 58:16 i'm really going to do my best um to quickly get david 58:24 and um yeah we're gonna we're gonna see something i have like tyrants and walls 58:29 that can be repaired and destroyed to make the zone more complex ah that's that's that 58:34 should not exist at all in the rce game um laser you know the thing about 58:40 i you know and this is my opinion right people tell you guys are more than welcome to tell me if i'm talking right 58:48 my idea of lootable pvp areas should be a place where very much like you would 58:55 take your injection to go into lootables lootable area um 59:01 you make a physical choice to enter that area it's almost like you sign the t's 59:07 and c's to enter that area and if you get looted that's on you it gives that little bit of an 59:12 adrenaline rush and it gives that that's what i like i don't 59:18 like forced uh lootable pvp that i don't like um that's 59:24 uh but it needs to be an option it needs to be an option it should be forced but that's 59:29 my opinion um i could be wrong according to the rest um 59:34 increased pyrite i wish i had the power i really wish i had the power 59:39 okay i'm gonna try okay this is now a real shot in the dark 59:44 okay um i'm gonna try and get a hold of david all right let me see if i can get him into the conversation 59:51 david being the ceo of planned arcadia see if he can be popping in here 59:56 and um [Music] let's see if the boss is in shall we all right but i need you guys 1:00:03 to just go get grab something to drink i'll still be around until four o'clock and um 1:00:09 uh wait there's so many ads here can i say that okay i can't say that again and 1:00:17 what would you love what would you love for arcadia what do you think would be the best friend that's actually a very good question 1:00:23 what would i love for okay okay um let me actually let me i can i can go and 1:00:29 ask those questions right so what i'm gonna ask um let's see i'm gonna try right questions for david i'm gonna 1:00:37 create a thread let's see if i can create a 3d quickly um 1:00:42 questions for david and please um [Music] um 1:00:47 ask your questions here i might even answer 1:00:52 them i love him okay um 1:00:59 there boom here you go now you can go in there go into that 1:01:05 thread ask your questions because it's like it really does get too like chat goes crazy 1:01:11 um it really does so tell me if you can see that it's only going to be allowed for 1:01:16 24 hours so you can drop your questions uh bonnie can i ask you just to re ask just copy that question and pop it in 1:01:22 there while i quickly see if the boss is in he is extremely busy at the moment um 1:01:28 so i'm gonna see if he's got some time to quickly jump into discord i am going to mute here so um 1:01:34 [Music] yeah what i do with my lips whoever asked me who i was popping coke 1:01:41 it's not scotch it's my lips my lips are dry 1:01:47 it's my scotch pop all right so 1:01:52 there you go ask your questions i'll see if he if he's going to come in i'll have a look at those questions as well and i'll see 1:01:58 if the boss is in i'm going to meet here and i'm going to try and get hold of him all right hugs and bum squeezes all around i'll be 1:02:04 right back consensual bun squeezes before someone starts saying that i'm virtually harassing them 1:02:10 the world has changed so much okay i'll see you guys in a bit give me a sec 1:05:38 is this thing on all right um spoken to david he's quickly just finishing off a meeting 1:05:44 he's downloading discord and he might come and make a turn he just needs a few minutes he's going to phone me and i 1:05:49 will have to jump out of the call quickly and go and get him so he will be able to 1:05:55 come in he will be able to come and make a turn so 1:06:00 he's very busy the guy's busy so we're going to i just want to get i just 1:06:06 want to show you guys um that we're quite dedicated for this right and like i pulled these kind of 1:06:12 little things um so uh oh a secret message i don't even know 1:06:18 what the secret message is oh buttons look at that 1:06:24 cheeky little i love that so cocky to have that kind of profile 1:06:32 rock 1:06:39 let's fix up something here why is the the memes not showing up that's actually something i must look at also and fix up 1:06:44 there um but okay let me just quickly see what i've missed it's time to do it 1:06:49 so kind of like a little bit of a little stealing no matter if you use a toxic shot or not 1:06:56 yeah well if yeah i can't argue stealing is it's 1:07:02 it's it's a metric it's a dynamic no i don't hate that word hate that word it's a 1:07:08 part of the game 1:07:14 everyone hates me when i say that but i used to i used to do a lot of pvp hunting like i used to return people's 1:07:21 stuff in pvp lootable pvp um it was fun 1:07:26 so um i used to lit the looters uh but the good old days 1:07:33 um where am i stationed i'm stationed in south africa um that's where i'm i hail from 1:07:40 i am in cape town it's a uh 1:07:48 running arcadia okay i see some of your questions um 1:07:54 but yeah if you guys have any more anything i'm just waiting for david to give me a ring back and then we will we will see 1:08:02 nice to meet you thank you absolutely nice to meet you too 1:08:07 um is an instant oil rig possible like you 1:08:13 would choose cut one two and higher you go better the oil drop value with say 1:08:19 the higher at levels being lootable with bigger rewards um no unfortunately that is not a system 1:08:26 that can be instanced um but 1:08:31 um i don't know 1:08:37 no no no not not possible 1:08:44 yes oh we do we do 1:08:55 we keep track of everything every item that is looted every mission that is completed 1:09:02 every creature that has killed 1:09:08 we keep track of every instance that is run everything 1:09:17 uh yeah if they uh 1:09:22 i oh it really depends truthfully as a planner partner we keep track of all of our content but sometimes the support if 1:09:29 it's not within their caliber of tools they have available to them sometimes they will not be able to tell you um 1:09:37 so you need to you need to think of it like a department in this but that's like a really special request 1:09:44 a lot of people don't even ask that kind of question but yeah it is like a special request um 1:09:50 i'd like to show how many times i've done it and it's true i'm at the part where i'm at the doors but i didn't 1:09:56 unlock them yet because i wasn't sure how the mission that unlocked them would affect when codex hit 1:10:02 okay so as it was mentioned beforehand we have a little bit of a problem with our current 1:10:09 warehouses all right and um some people can't get access to them and 1:10:14 when they complete some of the messages they sorry when they complete some of their 1:10:19 missions they get an error 25. we were speaking quite like i was speaking quite hectically into the into 1:10:26 the avenues of um what the area 25 mission is caused the error 25 mission is caused because of 1:10:32 the codex we've been contending with this thing for a very very long time and 1:10:37 we discovered the problem we're trying to fix it at this moment and we are pushing 1:10:43 we're pushing hard to get that fixed in as quickly as possible so hopefully hopefully holding thumbs we should be 1:10:49 able to complete and conclude that one in the next update um we will give a severe amount of patch notes depending 1:10:55 on what we get into the game um because a lot of that has to be verified and authorized by mandark so 1:11:00 that you just know our process as well um some people have had upgrades done 1:11:05 and they've been begging for sorting out and also to answer a question that was 1:11:11 raised also in dms um [Music] there was a question with regards to 1:11:17 [Music] some of the the stores having a problem um that there was a little bit of a problem 1:11:24 with regards to the shops they were given as a reward in the 1:11:32 gold rush we are trying to resolve this issue as quickly as possible unfortunately that's part of the system and we need to get 1:11:37 some things sorted out there uh most important of course smuggler if and also will this narrative continue 1:11:44 are you asking but are you asking me if i'm smuggle or ifn is that is that the question 1:11:52 and also will this narrative continue yes it will continue we are going to take the um ifn story further we are 1:11:59 taking the smuggler story further and we are introducing new factions um 1:12:04 that will be also put into the uh the metaphorical universe of sorts 1:12:12 and you're going to get more law on p-tech industries what's their presence on the moon 1:12:18 why is there colonizations on the 1:12:32 neither accept or decline your question i choose to be 1:12:41 flamboyant i have to be neutral 1:12:47 i'll just be flamboyant um but any plans for arcadia 1:12:54 rage blp amp series with crit damage to be continued extended or when it comes 1:12:59 to weapons we are looking at the weapons of the blueprints um we're looking at trying to resolve some of the issues because as i've said 1:13:06 earlier on most of the blueprints on arcadia are they not their their capabilities 1:13:11 but their markup is dog in my opinion as i quote myself and we are trying to rectify that so 1:13:18 that we can just kind of like rebalance the planet a lot of work please note it's like rebuilding a dungeons dragons 1:13:24 campaign it is nightmare fuel so math out of excel 1:13:30 spreadsheets i feel like a bank that's how bad it is i just need to do audits and run this and fix this and test that 1:13:37 it's it's severe it's seriously severe a lot of a lot of work that is going to it i'm not going to cower behind excuses 1:13:45 but it's it's really really a lot of work to perfectly balance things 1:13:51 and uh we will do our best we will do our best to make sure everyone's happy um [Music] 1:13:58 the stops that were that was that was apartments yes we are obviously fixing those so um 1:14:06 i don't want to pretend whatever you're a smuggler smuggler definitely is in trope it's entropia i rolled the 1:14:11 national 20 now you have to tell us all the secrets okay the secrets okay what secrecy would you know okay so 1:14:18 there's something hidden underground there's something there's a lot of stuff hidden on the moon there's a lot of stuff hidden 1:14:24 on arcadia and you know you know that this content on arcadia that has been discovered yet 1:14:30 like really people what's wrong with you explore the planet there's hidden 1:14:35 there all right we we sit here like in our little days and we hide these little easter eggs all over the show and it's 1:14:41 like no one's even discovered it it took people five years to discover the smuggler camp and realized that they're 1:14:46 smuggling missions did you know that i have five years to discover that place 1:14:52 so i was like wow okay so my headset's busy dying come on okay 1:15:00 how come the smugglers don't have rank uniforms like the ifn do no fair who 1:15:05 says they need a rank question mark 1:15:13 so yeah and the smugglers will have something coming that way but there's so much that still needs to be done 1:15:20 uh jbk being in the moon underground hive before it 1:15:26 was finished oh did you see it 1:15:32 yes well that's that's that's actually asking that's actually moving into something um 1:15:39 that's actually moving into something that is um planned for the moon we've actually 1:15:45 got um a few things oh wait wait wait david davis messaging me 1:15:50 please tell me he's gonna come and join us uh okay he's got it all right nobody please 1:15:55 please please please please please please please please big favor um 1:16:01 do not go and bombard him now he's coming into the discord server so let's 1:16:07 see let's see where he comes in 1:16:12 hold hold [Laughter] 1:16:18 hold that i just couldn't resist 1:16:28 david is on his way i'm sorry we'll have a look now let's see what happens quick brief 1:16:34 second let's just get us a moment there 1:16:39 all right so the talks that are happening 1:16:45 this eggplant is starting to scare me so 1:16:50 quickly how's ned doing as we know you two are best friends how are my best friends with ned you know that just by 1:16:56 the way just so actually that's actually a very good point let me quickly put it out there 1:17:02 a lot of people have been sussing me out to say oh you know still in plain italy 1:17:08 no i wasn't maybe no no i don't think i was have i ever 1:17:15 played ned kelly as an rp character hmm it's been so long question mark 1:17:21 i don't think so have i played him no i think i played him once 1:17:27 but we we no no no i plan on other pla we don't interfere with each other's content we 1:17:33 only promote so 1:17:39 so shush time so um some of the some of the content 1:17:46 that's been that's um there are some 1:17:53 things that are planned um there are certain avenues right that are 1:18:00 incorporated into the storyline um we've got a lot of things that we're 1:18:06 going to be putting into the planet but of course it's not going to come in one update so please do yourself a favor 1:18:12 keep keep keep keep keep in mind um a lot of the a lot of the systems 1:18:19 that are in place we are working to clean the house first we're going to do upgrades now as the 1:18:25 discord has now come out officially opened up right um it's four o'clock in the morning okay so we've we've kind of like 1:18:31 put everything together uh we want to get things sorted out um [Music] 1:18:38 we're we're really trying to fix up the website the forum when you get the forum active bit 1:18:43 um we want to get things rolling on the website we want to get things rolling on socials we want to run like little you 1:18:49 know there's some things that we got planned we've got some awesome awesome awesome that's been planned for you guys but um 1:18:56 we'll we'll take baby steps we'll take baby steaks uh let me just see here quickly just 1:19:02 bear with me there we go um 1:19:29 okay sorry i'm busy you guys must just bear with me bear with me um 1:19:37 all right uh okay so everyone just hang on for me for a brief brief brief second 1:19:44 i would highly appreciate it if you do i'm working on it okay so i need to quickly just kill off this 1:19:52 there i just want to remove that okay so everyone can get that done and 1:19:57 i'm going to quickly just bear with me bear with me 1:20:07 boom um okay 1:20:14 see here all right there we go um just having a look for a moment bear 1:20:20 with me so sorry all right um so just to quickly just to 1:20:25 put it into perspective just to answer some things um um 1:20:31 we're always working on the re the reload of the website reload of socials reloaded the forum and 1:20:38 we've just reloaded the uh well reloaded what am i saying rebooted my apologies we're rebooting everything and um we're 1:20:46 going to initiate it david how are you 1:20:53 good good good good thanks for joining appreciate it um i'm just speaking to you 1:20:58 speaking to everyone here we've been catching up um a lot of the discussions are happening in the talk discussion 1:21:06 so that you just know about it um we've got the the questions there so if you if you pop open there you'll see 1:21:12 there's like a questions for david that we're going to be bouncing into it and then everyone that's listening on the 1:21:17 stage at the moment um yeah they can they can hear us talking so they'll ask their questions and that 1:21:24 so david just to quickly catch up on what we were discussing um i kind of like got to everyone and started 1:21:30 speaking to them about some of the things that we're going to be doing um apologies for the delay i told them that 1:21:35 there will be an announcement um to kind of like just set everyone's heart at ease with regards to why there were 1:21:41 delays and all that kind of stuff we're not going to go into detail now i know a lot of them want to know what has happened but we're not going to do that 1:21:46 we're going to do that on an official way and then to top that off um we've been talking about um some of the content 1:21:52 delays and how we're going to resolve some of the content such as the arrow 25 the smuggler warehouses the instances 1:21:58 the loot drops and basically just going through everything again and cleaning house we're doing a 1:22:05 little bit of housekeeping at the moment so um and having you here is just to show 1:22:11 them to show them some proof that we've got some awesome things that we're busy planning um just to get things back on 1:22:17 track and make everyone happy awesome well i'm sure you've you've 1:22:22 covered already that you know obviously we've had some challenging times over many years um yeah 1:22:29 but that doesn't go into my hotel yeah but just for everyone's info that's 1:22:34 pretty much all behind us now so it's really sort of stepping in this year to 1:22:39 re-engage and get things really moving again um you know we certainly heard 1:22:44 um the feedback and everything else which is all understandable and um 1:22:52 but exciting to be able to really focus you know right back on the planet and um 1:23:00 get things going get some more marketing going oh yeah more content coming in 1:23:06 [Music] i'm really looking forward to it because we're there there was a little bit of a 1:23:12 like a question like a few questions that um that they that we've asked for questions for david i know this is going to be a 1:23:18 brief encounter because just to quickly let everyone know um as i told you early on we're just winging this this thing 1:23:25 there's nothing official in our gathering today so it's really just sitting down and just catching up with 1:23:31 everyone that's actually on the the discord server at the moment and at least you guys can go out and know that 1:23:37 you've heard truths directly from us and certain things like you can you can rest assured you can go out to the 1:23:43 community and also you know speak about what has been spoken here we're not hiding anything um 1:23:50 so it's quite it's just quite nice um just to just to have that dev presence back out there and you know david's here 1:23:57 and david i literally told him that i i had to kill one of the biggest um what was it um 1:24:03 [Music] rumor that was going around in trophy universe saying that arcadia the devs have all 1:24:09 jumped ship we haven't gone anywhere so 1:24:15 we haven't we haven't left anyway so i don't know no i mean i mean look it's 1:24:21 certainly um you know our dev team has actually been doing a fair bit over the last couple of 1:24:26 years helping some of the other planets which they'll openly attest to and um 1:24:34 you know we know we've made a significant difference to a couple of them and 1:24:39 we've been watching their progress particularly next ireland um 1:24:44 that it's made a difference and they've you know come along and so 1:24:50 yeah i'm sure you can say well that doesn't sound like the smartest thing to do it's um 1:24:55 we've always held a position that we want to work with the other planets help them create better content um 1:25:02 you know i think the the big thing just to put on the table everyone knows that you know we were involved in a 1:25:09 a massive court case that ran on for near on six or six seven years plus 1:25:16 tailing on after that um that we won um we always knew we were going to win 1:25:22 or certainly believed we were going to win but we're in the right but 1:25:27 it's um it creates a lot of constraint on us and what we can get out in the community 1:25:33 what we can say because it's the old everything you say canon will be used against you type 1:25:39 situations so it's just meant until that's sorted 1:25:45 um we were quite constrained and now that it is 1:25:51 you know we can really go back you know people have been around long enough to remember you know that 1:25:58 the pace that arcadia kept up in the past that will return um hopefully bigger and 1:26:04 better you know the team's got a lot more experience now than we did back then so 1:26:09 oh yeah oh yeah and especially working on other projects outside of our own planet has been 1:26:15 rather revealing and really a good experience and we we've always been just to carry on with 1:26:22 what david has said we've we we work with our partners very closely 1:26:27 and we are very open towards that so we we don't we haven't kept sigh we have 1:26:34 kept silent and as david has just mentioned about the um court case that has been around that is one of the 1:26:42 if i can say main reasons why you know we had to hold back on a few things so as 1:26:49 david said um anything that you say or do can be used against you in the court of law 1:26:55 so yeah that's just puts a little bit of understanding towards everyone that's present here to 1:27:00 understand why we've been delayed as well so i'm glad you said yeah and look at it 1:27:06 it's interesting i mean the the results of it um you know i 1:27:11 suppose with enough digging are available um so it's not something we need to sort of 1:27:17 hide from or anything like that um we do plan on sort of 1:27:22 giving an official statement um as to the stance on that but 1:27:28 it was one of the longest running cases in singapore high court history 1:27:35 yeah and it relates to just how complex trophy universe is 1:27:40 and if you could imagine a bunch of lawyers and judges and things trying to get their head around 1:27:47 what it is how it works then and everything else but 1:27:53 it certainly cost us a lot and more than anything cost us a lot of 1:28:00 time and effort sanity and everything else but um 1:28:06 the latter being the most i can honestly tell you yeah 1:28:12 that we could talk and we couldn't touch anything or do anything but um that's behind us now 1:28:18 we can honestly say that we're back home we're back yeah that's right i mean it's it's exciting 1:28:24 sort of look forward and you know relationships you know 1:28:30 some big stuff coming out hopefully in the next couple of months 1:28:36 you know we've been in the works for a couple of years and you know with some partners and things 1:28:41 and you know people who remember some of the deals we did in the early days uh oh yes 1:28:48 bring prizes and things to the player base and really add value to the community um 1:28:56 that sort of stuff's going to come back on the table so that's exciting 1:29:02 yeah so also to just give clarity to everyone david is referring to the 1:29:08 awesome events that we run with gold rush uh you just have to do a little bit of research and you'll see what prices 1:29:14 dropped then so we're trying to resurrect that just to give you an idea 1:29:19 um but david i've got there's a few questions here that i'm i can um i don't know if you can see the text 1:29:26 i don't know if you're keeping track of it because i think your your head's it it's a headset against your 1:29:32 you've got to get your yeah no no no no i've got you know you've got the chat the microphone might scratch against my 1:29:38 zipper on my jumper if it's making any noise but um now i can see it 1:29:43 okay cool so um [Music] let me quickly see which questions i can quickly throw your way 1:29:50 captain asks can we get an oil rig in the little pvp zone on arcadia not yet no oil rigs are pain in the ass i'm just 1:29:58 going to say it out right um there are pain in the ass they cause too much problems and they also are a difficulty 1:30:03 to maintain um as well but we will always look at kind of creating those kind of events around oil rigs and that 1:30:11 um next question from bonnie dylan david what would you love for arcadia what do you think would be the best for it 1:30:28 one of the key things there is that from our perspective we can't 1:30:33 sort of i suppose divorce arcadia's what's best for arcadia without looking at what's best for entropia which is why 1:30:40 you know we've put in considerable effort particularly from dylan olivia 1:30:46 in helping train some of the staff for the other studios you know the other planets and things 1:30:52 and and working with counterparts at mind arc on finding solutions to issues and and 1:30:58 things like that there's been a lot of planning from my end working with mind arc on 1:31:03 the unreal um update um you know i don't have lots of 1:31:08 particular information to share on that that's for minor to do but 1:31:14 i'm sure everyone here is clearly enough to know it's going to be complicated and going to require a lot of planning and 1:31:21 good execution so it's kind of you know i suppose when we started we're 1:31:27 all about i've got to do arcadia arcadia arcadia and as time's gone on and sort of i suppose matured as a planet that 1:31:33 it's really about entropia you know entropy has got to do well for arcadia to do well 1:31:39 um and that's where you know i think there's some some great stuff coming 1:31:45 down the pipe um which is yeah i hate sort of getting on 1:31:51 these sort of chats and i don't know being so vague 1:31:59 there's good things coming um there's good things in development and until things are i suppose out of 1:32:05 development and confirmed and everything else you know there's nothing much to say but 1:32:11 you know needless to say there is a lot going on and we've been very active um 1:32:18 because it i suppose my view and in answer to that question it's like 1:32:25 focusing on arcadia and just making that a bit better or even much better 1:32:30 without seeing the whole universe get much better and bigger um it just cannibalizes players from 1:32:36 other planets and makes them weaker or it's not what 1:32:42 is going to make the game better um i think the biggest thing to take out of the announcement of around unreal 1:32:48 um is it's mind-ask commitment and it's particularly from the board and the investors and everything behind binder 1:32:55 and this is something obviously impacts us as a planet as much as everyone as a player 1:33:01 is that it's an absolute commitment of you know the next 10 years plus um 1:33:09 you know we see it with a lot of companies where yeah the founders get older get towards 1:33:15 retirement and start going oh no we don't want to reinvest let's just take as much cash off the 1:33:20 table as we can buy ourselves a yacht and retire that's not what's happening with mind arc they're 1:33:27 sort of doubling down in a big way massive investment they've been hiring more staff 1:33:33 there's a whole bunch of new names some of which you may have seen community management things like that 1:33:40 but yeah there's there's a heap of new staff there um 1:33:45 so they've been growing the team they're investing in that there's a lot of training to bring them up to speed because it's 1:33:52 you know quite a unique game in the way it operates that takes them a bit to get their heads around what we're doing 1:33:58 um yeah that's the number one that mind arc's investing and we'll be 1:34:04 investing in growing the game and giving people confidence as 1:34:10 participants of entropia for them to invest and you know believe 1:34:15 the future is going to be bigger and better than it has been 1:34:20 yeah because we can't a lot of the just to put it out there to everyone listening we we can't 1:34:28 unfortunately because we've also got to you know keep our different layers of things that are from an executive point 1:34:35 of view to a developer's point of view we have a lot to share but sometimes it's not the right time to share it um 1:34:42 because it can create confusion and of course a lot of people in the entropy universe love to play telephone when we 1:34:47 say oh okay here then you find out two days later down the line it says okay 1:34:52 he's dead so we we are very specific and this is why we've created channels and we're going to re refix the forum so 1:34:58 that we can give proper announcements and proper clear clear communications so 1:35:04 that everyone understands that now that we've got the freedom to talk and the freedom to be out there and about everyone 1:35:10 we're here to just let you know that we're not going to go anywhere and we've got a lot of stuff that we're prepping 1:35:15 and um i'm just going to build on what david said there is so much still coming and just think about it 1:35:21 when you've got a few years that you couldn't do updates we've got a few things in the background ready to be pushed but we need to push them we can't 1:35:27 push them all at once and because we don't want to drown everyone in content um we want to make 1:35:33 it in you know digestible bite sizes so that you can enjoy it feel that you got you know your 1:35:39 your good amount of worth out of it and um we'll move on to the next next project as we go on 1:35:45 so yeah i think just on that dylan it's you know what i'm hoping as we re-engage 1:35:51 a lot better and are able to totally engage and open up conversation and get feedback is you 1:35:58 know to start hearing because arcadia is quite developed and there is a lot of content there 1:36:04 as to what you know the players on the planet are seeing as opportunities or particularly 1:36:11 if it's older content that needs a refresh or further development storylines that 1:36:17 weren't taken and far enough and that sort of thing um it's just this issue of 1:36:25 as if i if we're not doing the groundwork which you know i've spent years working with counterparts of mind 1:36:31 i sort of try and push and drive everything i can to get the whole 1:36:37 universe to grow and bring a lot more players into the universe and we've certainly seen that in the last couple 1:36:42 of years that that's been growing yeah but it's got so much more potential and 1:36:49 i think yeah the biggest thing in the last six months has been this explosion of the 1:36:55 metaverse and you know facebook renaming itself and you know the money that's pumping in 1:37:02 is really validating this type of game um 1:37:07 creating a lot more interest you know in partnerships and things and we're certainly seeing that in our discussions with 1:37:13 outside partners that we want to bring in you know brands and things to the game 1:37:18 um yeah i just say the next two years is going to be explosive actually for intro 1:37:27 it's like all the trade winds are behind us now um for years it was what's this real 1:37:32 cash economy all this sort of thing you know what we've seen is it's almost a renaming we say rce but 1:37:40 you know the globe is sort of talking about play-to-own same thing in a sense 1:37:46 um and yeah there's just a lot of money coming into the space 1:37:51 there's interest you know and then what is the metaverse and all that seems to be 1:37:59 almost like no one can define it but you know i think it was facebook have committed 1:38:05 it's some number like 10 billion dollars a year for the next 10 years to invest in metaverse 1:38:12 that's the matter um and at the end of the day what most people do recognize it as is 1:38:19 you know a 3d environment where you can engage with products and brands and and that sort of thing um 1:38:27 so you know i've spent quite a bit of time you know just researching and making sure we understand 1:38:32 where those opportunities lie and how we can be at the forefront of all that 1:38:38 yeah because in essence just to add um so that everyone is quite clear we 1:38:45 we don't just sit and wait for the next best thing we are working constantly to evolve 1:38:51 so that it's got easy adoption there's everything that can be done correctly and everything can done be done in a 1:38:56 timely manner um so from an arcadia perspective which leads us to actually 1:39:02 like almost the next question um i'm actually going to answer this one uh can we get more pvp content smuggler 1:39:08 rangers seem like they should be cool but really nothing special and the crash ship could be like a beacon or something 1:39:15 uh we're working on that mistake we are working on storyline taking the smuggling missions much further 1:39:21 um to actually push that out and um get more diaphragm and sorry about that microphone 1:39:26 we've got we've got the content ifn and the smuggler little hissy fits between the two we're working on that kind of 1:39:32 stuff we are working on that content i'm david i i'm just going to go through the next few messages quick um 1:39:39 will we see more arcadia officials in game visible or will the arcadia officials and dev be hidden in this in 1:39:44 in the shadows still um this is we only coming to game when we need to come into 1:39:50 game we will eventually when there's an open time in an open sorry my microphone's busy all over um when 1:39:56 there's an open time for us to engage with community around events and all of that yes we will be there um we will be 1:40:03 in game and we will be showing our faces more often so you can rest assured you will see more of us in there 1:40:09 um any plans to rework the mining on arcadia no what we are going to do is 1:40:14 give purpose to mining um we are going to look at the loots and we are going to revisit why those leads 1:40:21 are used and how they are used just to answer that question next question 1:40:27 will there be any arc recognition for people like d l r root um that that more 1:40:33 or less kept arc alive for the past few months i don't understand that question 1:40:42 i think the the key value for me you know i mean i think everyone knows i 1:40:48 played the game for four years before you know retiring the avatar so i see it from 1:40:53 both sides it's been frustrating for me to see value go away in a lot of the 1:41:00 um the assets in the game from armors to you name it 1:41:06 um and so a lot of what i'm trying to do is drive 1:41:13 the future i guess and use what influence i have with minda to drive a future where 1:41:19 the values of things improve um so the people who've stuck with it and supported 1:41:25 you know i just as i say i think there's this golden age of the metaverse and a game like in trope 1:41:33 oh did i disconnect 1:41:40 did there we go that was me sorry my phone was ringing 1:41:48 oh no worries um yeah that you know for me it's like 1:41:53 and and this is the language i've been using in discussions with minda because everyone that's been a participant of 1:41:59 entropia over the last you know 15 plus years 1:42:05 has supported us to be where we're at and you know i want to see 1:42:12 everyone that's involved in the game and they've got assets in the game getting 1:42:17 an opportunity for those values to rise you know i think it's as much as we want to 1:42:23 do gameplay development and we're going to do that and do events with great prizes and things we want to do that 1:42:30 but ultimately as an rce game there's this underlying we've got to get 1:42:36 value back into the the items in the game and see 1:42:41 you know that you know benefit pass through 1:42:46 to all the participants um so that's what's driving me it's 1:42:53 interesting just to share some background that you know my coming to entropia in the first place 1:42:59 was i was writing a paper on it doing a master's degree and 1:43:04 i was writing a paper on the future of the internet and focused on the internet going 3d and 1:43:11 as part of that i was looking at second life and entropia fell in love with the truck in trophy and 1:43:16 you know here i am today um you know i sort of couldn't put it down once i sort of got into it 1:43:22 um but it's taken 15 years from that point that was six 1:43:29 16 years um to get to a point where suddenly the whole world's waking up 1:43:35 and look there's a whole lot of things that are coming together from you know 3d headsets and 1:43:42 after internet speeds and fast computers and all these sort of things but the way i'm describing what entropia is 1:43:50 to some of the partners we're talking to to try and get you know things happening 1:43:56 is that because of the real cash economy essentially every avatar is a bank 1:44:02 account um it's probably not the language that mind arc use obviously they're not a bank we 1:44:07 get that there was talk of it back when i first started but who knows where that might go in the 1:44:12 future but it's um you know it's this ability to 1:44:19 move around a universe where your avatar is like a secure payment system 1:44:26 um and an identity so if you can imagine a future where there's 1:44:31 you know stores or let's say a bank branch or something like that that you can walk into 1:44:36 you know you can potentially you know do a loan contract and they can do the contract with the 1:44:43 avatar because the avatar is already a secure payment system 1:44:49 um yeah which ties in actually quite well that you know jan welter 1:44:54 the founder his background was all bank security before starting the game 1:45:00 um and that's i think been the hallmark of entropia with all the ups and downs and 1:45:07 different challenges that have happened um it's been secure and people have had 1:45:13 that trust in it and you know as we're engaging 1:45:18 with different parties around um you know where the future is going to take us 1:45:23 that's the thing that's sort of ringing true that there's a lot of fly by night and projects that have got um 1:45:33 big plans but you know nothing behind them um 1:45:39 as we're talking with people they're like yeah right you guys have been around you 1:45:44 know what you're doing um you know you're you're proven in product uh 1:45:50 because none of us know what what the metaverse will be in 10 years but you know i just want to make sure that 1:45:56 we're a major part of it yeah okay 1:46:01 well we've still got a few more questions here if we can get through those i'm just i'm just looking at the time 1:46:07 now because it was four in the morning actually because i've still got meetings 1:46:12 coming up in a few hours time so um so that i can just get a quick um thing out for the community here quickly 1:46:19 because i know everybody's got is hungry with questions but we'll have to draw a line on some of the questions now so i'm 1:46:26 going to answer as much as quickly as we can let's see will it be 1:46:32 since we know that you are involved in other planets any potential for a collab for example an arc blueprint regarding 1:46:38 next mats or an item from next that unlocks a mission on arc certain killer 1:46:45 we don't know happy to happy to jump in on that and say thank you well it's 1:46:51 a lot of these things are you know is it something that i'm trying to make happen but that's what i can answer now is yes 1:46:58 i'm i'm trying to make that happen across the universe i want to see and i'm not the only one by the way 1:47:03 there's there's certainly others that we're working with um amongst the 1:47:09 other planets and things that want to create i suppose my vision is that 1:47:15 players are moving around the planets a lot more um and so you know you could say i've been 1:47:20 petitioning to try and make that happen for years um you know 1:47:26 maybe that sort of isn't some testament to what influence i actually have but 1:47:31 it's it certainly takes time with my duck to just keep 1:47:37 petitioning and saying this is what needs to happen we don't want players sort of 1:47:42 constrain two planets we want to see people moving around a lot more we want to see missions that require you to jump 1:47:49 from planet to planet um you know we want to see the smugglers where you're smuggling stuff to other 1:47:55 planets and back and things like that um yeah and you know i think the entire game gets a 1:48:02 lot more vibrant when that happens but you know part of that and this goes back to an earlier question 1:48:09 we've seen the need to assist some of the other planets to get up the quality of the planets 1:48:16 um you know towards making that happen um 1:48:21 we certainly don't well i'll leave it at that but it's an intention and who knows how all that 1:48:27 takes yeah it it it's it's on the cards so just to 1:48:32 let you guys know it is in the cards um let me just quickly see there over there okay 1:48:39 okay so next question um will you be trying to recruit new players i asked because ma said they 1:48:46 were more committed to current players during lan was solo 1:48:53 i think we can just say yes to that yeah i think it's a it's a yes it's um 1:48:59 you know we're working on on stuff now to really get it moving so 1:49:06 um will new content be created for all player levels or more towards high-end players yes it's going to be created for 1:49:13 all player levels we are going to be creating content for every layer from 1:49:18 beginner right to the uber so we're going to be doing that so i can just answer that question off the bat 1:49:25 um there's a statement from um bunny uh dave dillon of course the 1:49:30 players welcome you back with livview uh we know combined you combined you are 1:49:36 formidable times have really been roughed irl and the players get it the discord getting updated is promising can 1:49:42 you enlighten us if ark will be getting regular updates and if not what we what what we like thereof sorry 1:49:50 my discord didn't want to do um i can honestly tell you if i can just quickly chime in here i think um 1:49:57 [Music] yes uh we we have you know 1:50:02 uh we are gonna do regular updates um we are going to be pushing out more like 1:50:07 these little meetings where everyone gets to sit and talk i'm going to give you like a little sneak peeks of content 1:50:12 future content um you're going to see it in a test environment live with me shooting youtube 1:50:17 um creatures and whatever and taking us through instances that you never knew existed you'll see little snippets of 1:50:24 content that's going to be dropped in the future um as i've mentioned before it's not going to give you any economical edge 1:50:30 it's not going to prepare you for anything that's coming in the future it's just going to show you some of the content that's going to be done i'll do 1:50:35 that through a live streaming either here either you on discord or i'll do a little um 1:50:40 website a third-party website there you'll be able to log in and listen to me talk here on 1:50:45 on discord as well as witness that kind of stuff so i'm just putting that out there to answer bonnie's question david 1:50:52 anything you wanted to add there maybe oh really you know do check out bonnie's 1:50:57 channel from time to time watch the videos it's 1:51:03 uh and thank you for that um 1:51:10 did we lose you i think dave got a phone call ask me again every time my phone rings 1:51:15 i'm getting your shoes um sorry i'm just going to shoot a 1:51:21 message that doesn't just keep ringing no do you think do you think i'm going to answer the next question um could the drop ships have missions 1:51:29 okay um yeah i want to see more engagement 1:51:35 between us and the existing players and the supporters of arcadia to 1:51:40 making short clips and content to help us share the stories and share that 1:51:46 the content that exists there because i think a lot of people who haven't explored everything just 1:51:51 don't know about you know instances down in the underground or 1:51:57 you know arcus instances and how it works and so you know i want to try and 1:52:03 find those opportunities to work with you guys to um just explain how it works yeah i think a 1:52:10 lot of people miss some of the complexity in how we've created the economy of it 1:52:16 um you know the arcus is a particular example where 1:52:21 um you know it requires engagement between crafters and miners and hunters 1:52:29 to bring the resources together to make the keys to run the instances to get resources trade them sell them 1:52:36 it's how i look at the game i suppose my background is business and economics and i 1:52:42 have always had a strong focus on the economy of the planet um 1:52:48 so yeah some of it's just going to be sharing cool vistas or 1:52:55 you know how do you get from arcadia to the underground or how do you get to the moon and things like that 1:53:00 that some of them are so simple and yet you know to a new player it's like oh 1:53:06 wow i didn't know that was there um you know if i go back to 1:53:11 the very early days when i was playing you know there was basically crystal palace and um 1:53:18 i'd never die yeah um and so everyone sort of talked about oh these are the places you can 1:53:24 travel to and explore well there's so much more to explore now um 1:53:29 but i think a lot gets gets missed you know so there's some of it's just 1:53:35 i want to work with the community to try and highlight the content that's out there 1:53:41 yeah yep and um yeah there's a there's a there's a lot 1:53:46 of thinking just so that everyone knows this when i told i said this in the beginning 1:53:52 it's so easy just to go and create a grind mission hundred thousand of these and off you go but every mission that gets created is 1:53:58 intricate it's connected to something and that something's connected to something else and that activates 1:54:04 something there is a web of things and this is why we have a bit of the error 25s that are happening 1:54:10 since the codex implementation and we're trying to restore that and fix 1:54:15 the law since the implementation of the codex it has added a little bit of a hurdle for some of the things that we 1:54:21 used to do but we are working on that just so that you know um that is happening 1:54:27 um there was a question as well what is their answer to life in the universe and everything 42 1:54:34 then there could the drop ships have missions to upgrade it so it could be at least space com capable or able to carry 1:54:42 different modules like people cargo weapons attachments i think this could be done with the npc to switch which 1:54:48 dropship you can use for whatever purpose maybe even the mission related unfortunately jj um when it comes to 1:54:54 vehicles um we can't do those kind of upgrade missions unfortunately because there's a 1:54:59 major major set of things there and we've already 1:55:07 unreal i think he's going to open up a lot more of that sort of opportunity for the game 1:55:13 you know it's about i think the limits yeah i think it's easily sort of 1:55:19 viewed like we upgrade to unreal and the game just looks better it's not that 1:55:24 i mean that that's obviously part of it and it'll be more efficient it'll handle 1:55:29 more players in an environment but the way the mission systems work and 1:55:36 you know even the camera systems that are very limited in what we've got now 1:55:41 um in order to record much better videos for marketing and things are going to improve but 1:55:48 there's just so much that um we've been limited in you know 1:55:54 we come up with these ideas and um you know the entropy universe is a 1:56:01 which i suppose a modified version of cryengine 2 it's not cryengine 2 and so there's things that you can do in 1:56:07 cryengine 2 that we can't do in our planet development which has 1:56:12 frustrated us a lot yeah you know and 1:56:18 but with unreal everything i understand so far is that we're going to be operating on 1:56:25 the full version of unreal not a modified version so you know everything that's possible 1:56:31 everything you see in terms of graphics and demos online it's going to be possible for us 1:56:37 so unreal is just going to be like the pure catalyst 1:56:44 of amazing things amazing opportunities the things that we dream of we will be able to create this 1:56:50 we don't know what limitations is going to be because it's not our we're not the ones controlling that 1:56:55 but i can definitely tell you even at a limited scale we will have a magnitude amount of opportunities to create 1:57:02 content beyond anything that we've already have even with the limited system so we're 1:57:07 looking forward to that it's going to take time but um ask that everyone just we are working 1:57:13 with them mind arc is giving us regular updates on progress and what they're up to 1:57:19 you know i'm hoping sort of post covert that dylan and i will get to 1:57:24 gothenburg yeah sometime this year maybe in the next few months we'll see um 1:57:30 yeah peter our chairman um he's actually in gothenburg right now so 1:57:36 um you know he's he's uh moving out of singapore and over restrictions many of you are 1:57:42 probably aware australia's been the prison colony of the world and um 1:57:49 we've been allowed to leave we've pulled up oh you're not allowed to leave your country you can leave you can barely get back in 1:57:56 um so it sort of locked me in um but that's 1:58:03 you know a lot of those restrictions are gone already um it's getting easier so 1:58:10 yeah we'll start traveling again soon but yeah we we've 1:58:15 we've got a lot of um we've kind of like gotten through most of the questions um 1:58:21 that have been popped out there's a lot of compliments but i think it's something you i think you can read that on your time when you scroll through the 1:58:27 channels and that um but what i just want to quickly put out there while david's here um i just want 1:58:34 to make it clear to everyone like crystal crystal clear we are working very hard to 1:58:40 rebalance and restructure everything to accommodate everyone's needs wants and desires however with the 1:58:47 certain some certain limitations that we have in place um it's because of 1:58:53 new rules and regulations that have come into the economy as well we are adapting to it there are changes 1:58:58 that are going to come out to arcadia but these changes will be made known 1:59:04 to the community before we go and make surreal changes that will affect you or 1:59:10 your gameplay and anything so you will always hear from us first before we make a massive change to anything and to top 1:59:17 that off we're also going to um as we do the implementation of new content you will have these little arcadia dev talks 1:59:24 where we'll give some sneak peeks into some of the um some of the things that we're up to 1:59:29 getting up to some of the releases we're going to post some things into the forum the forum is going to be upgraded as mentioned the website's going to be 1:59:35 upgraded we started with a discord because it's more of a personalized system where we can literally talk to 1:59:41 your faces and you guys can hear us and you can hear that we haven't gone 1:59:46 anywhere uh we're still here when there's certain events and activities that are happening on arcadia we will be 1:59:51 we will make it known here on the on the discord and um the discord's also going to grow 1:59:57 we are going to change things and um we are going to make it look better and our 2:00:03 presentations are going to be better our communication is going to be off the chart we are going to do our best with 2:00:08 everything within our capabilities of what we can share to the to the um 2:00:13 community and um [Music] just just know one thing i can i think i 2:00:19 can speak for myself and i think david and olivia and the team 2:00:24 um we are back and we're back with a vengeance 2:00:31 so yeah we want to see it grow and you know look 2:00:38 to see our team grow as the year progresses um it's certainly 2:00:44 i suppose there's an obviousness to the time it's taken with this court case and there's an 2:00:49 obviousness like well at least i think there's an understanding of that inability just to you know 2:00:56 do content or write things you know or do interviews and things like that and then 2:01:02 have that used taken out of context potentially but 2:01:07 it's also been a massive cost and that sort of put a lot of strain on us 2:01:13 um but we survived and you know it's literally been a battle of survival for 2:01:21 literally eight years um but we stuck with it we were never gonna 2:01:27 back down um and it's it's meant 2:01:33 you know we certainly could have had more staff over the years you know what it's meant for arcadia 2:01:40 is significant it's you know i don't think that word really captures 2:01:46 just the impact it's had but it's like uh 2:01:51 it's the reality we had to deal with and you know we had to 2:01:57 win um and so yeah 2:02:02 now we're in a position to really lean into it and grow um and so i think there's going to be a lot 2:02:08 of you know hopefully happy faces around that are pleased to see arcadia you know 2:02:15 back into it and growing and look it's going to be 2:02:20 time before unreal you know excuse me hopefully 2:02:27 well the upgrade when it comes um you know we're not quite quite clear on 2:02:32 timing on that but i think everyone knows and we saw the experience of 2:02:38 cryengine for those who were around back then or heard about it it took a long time to do 2:02:44 um we want to make sure you know we're lobbying to make sure that 2:02:50 when that change happens that you know all the content is 2:02:55 is there you know and and working and tested properly and and 2:03:00 so on so it's just going to be 2:03:05 years where i suppose that final thought for me is that you know i think it's reasonable to predict a 2:03:12 real boost in the game once that comes in and it i want to see that all the people who 2:03:18 stick with it until then enjoy their time around in trophy universe until then 2:03:24 but that it also the best way to put it 2:03:31 is rewarding for those who have um invested and built up their avatars and 2:03:36 things like that is putting them in the the best position possible to you know if the game grows this was 2:03:44 certainly my belief when i was a player was you know the game takes off i want to be in a 2:03:50 great position to capitalize on that yeah oh just to answer a very serious 2:03:56 question here i guess my question with the switch is can we expect something adjacent with the existing arc would be 2:04:03 would it be a world sorry the arc world being preserved or are we looking at a hydrogen no it's it's gonna the the same 2:04:10 planet with extras where that's what we're aiming for so we're not gonna just yeah 2:04:15 but if i remember right hadashim was the the crater right it's just like the big 2:04:21 crater destruction of the city um how are we going to solve this quickly and easily you know let's call it that um 2:04:30 no the intention is obviously to everything's got to be rebuilt 2:04:35 but that should be put in context of one our team's more experienced 2:04:41 um and unreal is a lot better to work with so 2:04:47 you know all the team are excited to work with it um and you know 2:04:53 everything's going to look better everything's going to perform better and 2:04:58 so you know i suppose it's also understanding how entropia 2:05:03 works that because it's an economy game everything about the economy which you 2:05:08 can also picture as a database um or series of databases and 2:05:15 toad is separate to the game engine so really we're talking about upgrading the visual 2:05:21 aspects of what it is and the functionality within that engine 2:05:26 um so it won't be parallel it'll be a complete 2:05:32 replacement um but we won't be dropping craters you know 2:05:39 we plan to you know every creature that's in there now 2:05:44 expect to be there every building that's in there now expect to be there i'm not going to say it's going to look 2:05:50 exactly the same it won't it'll it'll be an upgrade for sure but 2:05:55 you know i don't expect areas that are currently desert on arcadia to suddenly be 2:06:00 different to desert it'll be disgusting 2:06:05 we're very strict upon our law and our content on arcadia we don't we're not going to just put crystals out in the 2:06:11 middle of nowhere just because we can put crystals we keep everything at same because you know 2:06:17 change is as good as a holiday but you don't go and change the whole planet and make it a complete alien to everyone so we've got 2:06:24 expected ideas for the underground for the moon for arcadia um oh david i dropped your message on on 2:06:30 skype just by the way just something for you to take note of um remake will look different i imagine but 2:06:37 things will be close to how they before the buildings were do i need to buy any well there's a 2:06:44 question big concern i heard with unreal 5 is do i need to buy a new computer well unfortunately 2:06:50 with every upgrade requires upgrades so we unfortunately can't be limited to a 2:06:56 hardware perspective we're not going to go and we're going to do our best and i know my doc has in their mind as well not to 2:07:02 make sure that everyone has you know a 30 atti running in their machine just to run the the lowest form of the game but 2:07:09 we we're looking at every form of optimization so that you you can work and i think partly also to answer that 2:07:16 is you know i wouldn't suggest anyone jump into doing upgrades now 2:07:22 um definitely wait until mind arc gives some guidance as to when um 2:07:28 it's uh obviously the cost of graphics cards and things i mean with supply chain shortages around the world and 2:07:34 other issues chips and whatever there's a price hike at the moment anyway but um 2:07:41 there will be time um to do that as i said earlier it's not going to be a quick thing to do 2:07:47 so we've got to walk is it very expensive now yeah very very very expensive um 2:07:57 david subject raised do you want to say that was asked early on 2:08:03 so question about sanctuary cove yeah we 2:08:09 sanctuary cove was sold pre-launch um and 2:08:15 we've recently acquired that back from those guys i mean they were 2:08:21 sitting on the area for 12 years 11 years um 2:08:27 and yeah just their lives have moved along and 2:08:33 you know these guys got married kids and as with all of us that have been around all this time um you know 2:08:39 they wanted to pursue other things and so uh we see opportunity with the area in the 2:08:46 future that it made sense for us to acquire it back for now um and we'll sort of see how it fits in 2:08:53 with unreal and where things are going with the game and 2:08:59 um so it's not a plan necessarily to hang on to it forever but for the time being 2:09:06 we wanted to make sure it was in an event started to be run on it because there's some pretty cool mobs 2:09:12 there but yeah so one of the questions granny 2:09:18 i see a question i'm actually going to answer um just to actually answer that question granny uh this was literally a 2:09:25 uh a discussion on the whim it was literally just coming in started the new discord server with testing out the 2:09:32 arcadia dev talk we were just starting a nice little um discussion and it was really really nice 2:09:38 so we don't record our calls but of course anyone that's busy sitting here is more than welcome to record anything 2:09:44 everything said in the public domain so that you can just know what's been spared um yeah it's something dylan i'd love to 2:09:49 see us do you know call-ins or something like that um yeah 2:09:54 it's it feels quite weird sort of having this audience just you and i chatting back and forth to each other 2:10:05 we can definitely do that now in the in the future with this um this stage uh people can just raise their 2:10:12 hands and do it but we i won't be able to do it right now because it's like five o'clock in the morning i've got to be up in four hours um yeah actually 2:10:19 less um so what just to put it out there it is it is so important for you all to know 2:10:26 we're working on it and you would also notice um there was a there was also a discussion in the discord before 2:10:32 we before i rebuilt everything um there would there would there was talks about 2:10:37 big industries as well on the land areas uh dave do you want to say 2:10:42 something towards that well just you know i mean i've been 2:10:47 close to sean since my days as a player um 2:10:52 and yeah we've engaged them to get events running on 2:10:58 acorns and sanctuary coves we want you know rewards going back to the 2:11:04 players who are using those areas get that activity moving 2:11:09 um so they're gonna run events and you know i think it adds value 2:11:15 um we we have a lot on our plate so it was yeah i didn't want our team 2:11:22 in there doing that i think it's better that there's players in there running the events and doing that 2:11:29 so that's what will happen yeah we've got it's so 2:11:34 just literally like buddy says 4am uk is near eastern europe just a final statement for arcadia the future is 2:11:40 bright as bright as a beautiful arc so 2:11:46 yes so we we we've got a lot of work that we've got to do um just to put almost in 2:11:53 the final statement from my side david can say he's um 2:11:59 i know some killer but you've got to live with it the the the 2:12:05 the point is is that we've got a lot of work that is planned for us there's a lot of stuff on the table we have to 2:12:11 um we've got to really plan through it and filter through everything and 2:12:16 cut through it and it's going to take time it's going to be 2:12:22 like there are going to be certain updates that you might be waiting for something that might come in the update might come in a later update but we will 2:12:28 work as quickly and as fast as humanly possible to the best of our abilities and make sure that we deliver quality 2:12:35 not quantity to you so um that's just to answer your question there so yeah we've got a we've 2:12:41 got a lot planned we've got a big scope and we've got a big road map ahead of us so we just need to work through that and 2:12:47 then we'll get into game and go crazy like we used to do in the past so that's amazing i just want to jump back 2:12:53 to a chat question that was 40 minutes ago from raw 66 about 2:13:00 ds and and mind arc um that is david story who 2:13:06 went after arcadia when we beat him it was then he went after mondo 2:13:12 um so it's um relentless 2:13:19 and we've always you know worked alongside mind arc um obviously 2:13:25 we're separate businesses you know from a legal entity standpoint um but 2:13:31 yeah we've certainly never gone at mind arc or them at us 2:13:36 you know but they've known where we stand and our side of the story um 2:13:44 and yeah it's just sort of it's been resolved that side of things 2:13:49 as well um as far as i'm going after minder that was resolved is the only word i can 2:13:55 really use um but he certainly didn't win anything off reminder so 2:14:02 um it was a long process a very very long price it was but i just thought that was 2:14:08 worth just just commenting on you know make sure there's absolute clarity that we've always maintained a great working 2:14:14 relationship with mind arc we have our challenges don't get us wrong 2:14:20 challenges with codex or technical issues but from a senior management point of view we get lot of great people 2:14:26 very good people yeah so um 2:14:32 yeah um i think that that concludes it i think we can call it um 2:14:38 ladies gentlemen lentilman everyone out there um yeah thanks to for listening in um this 2:14:44 was our first official little arc dev talk david's here i'm here so now you know 2:14:50 we're gonna do our best we're gonna do our absolute best to deliver the best quality that we can we're going to try 2:14:55 and we've got a lot of work like i can't keep repeating this we've got a lot of work to go through and a lot of stuff to 2:15:01 filter through so just please hang in there i know it's going to be a little bit of time for us to get through it but um i will be 2:15:09 updating you i will be throwing out the information um as i get it and when it's 2:15:14 it's still viable or for you to know um and i just know i'm not gonna throw in 2:15:20 everything at once it's just crazy amounts of stuff that we we need to make sure that everything's connected and working so we're going to be addressing 2:15:26 the bugs first once we've cleaned the foundation we'll move on to implementing some awesome 2:15:32 amazing new content for you to go and gobble up and enjoy 2:15:37 yeah and i think just echoing that that you know it's going to take us time you 2:15:43 know we've got our limitations in how as planet partners we can work within intro universe and how often we can do 2:15:49 updates and what content we can get in um you know i think that 2:15:55 the absolute focus is going to be reviving the communication as we're doing today 2:16:00 um you know i'd like to see more of these on a regular basis 2:16:06 and as i say we'll look at the format so you know i'd just love to 2:16:12 this sort of chat to be more as people calling in telling us their stories and and what they want to see 2:16:18 and what's exciting them um because a show like this we can 2:16:24 you know catch up on all the the stuff that's been going on in the past few years but we're only going to have so many 2:16:30 announced to mark make on a weekly basis or something but um let us know what you guys you know 2:16:37 how often you'd like to see this sort of thing happening david are you gonna are you gonna force 2:16:42 me to do the radio voice like welcome to late night with arcadia [Laughter] 2:16:48 well you've got the voice for it all i usually get with my radio is 2:16:54 so i can't understand that aussie accent [Laughter] speak english 2:17:03 well we're definitely going to do that and with the system we can let people come in and chat and we can do some 2:17:09 interviews and um it's also out there to the community we're going to we really want to get engaged we really want to 2:17:14 get some stuff out there for you guys to have fun and really to do the stuff more often we want to be 2:17:20 not just that you know that evil pie in the sky you know officials or you know we just grumpy and all of that no we 2:17:26 want to work with you if you come up with brilliant ideas we want to see what we can do to implement them we want to 2:17:32 hear some stories if you guys write your own stories and it's brilliant who knows you know whatever the pos the possibilities in 2:17:38 the future are endless and we'll see what happens it's it's so exciting it's just oh 2:17:44 i'm so happy we can do this david i'm so sorry well for everyone else out there it's like 2:17:51 dylan's been like you know the pit bull people pulling on the lead 2:17:57 and it's like no you've got to hold back you get in and start engaging and you know it was a very real thing 2:18:04 um [Music] you know it's um around the court case but with that 2:18:11 behind us it's the leash is off he's been let free to 2:18:16 you know get this board up and you know look at he's forced me to get it installed and 2:18:21 get on the chat and i'm glad i did i'm happy to be here and have a chat 2:18:28 sorry that's good it's good look i'm a ladder i don't using scott and so i've 2:18:33 had to get with the program i guess no it doesn't just by the way just to 2:18:38 let you know he asked if the law question does the name arcadia have anything to do with the anime from the 2:18:44 70s featuring a pirate fighting for his freedom so no 2:18:50 well to give the background where the name came from it's it's a region of greece and 2:18:56 you know back in the days of the spartans and the athenians and the arcadians but the arcadians in that sense were arc 2:19:04 and then arcadia with a k was you sort of look it up but it was sort 2:19:10 of translated more like heaven or the promised land that type of thing 2:19:15 um so that's where it came from it's uh it was a long search for you know okay 2:19:21 i spent it over a year you know petitioning and negotiating to get a contract with mind 2:19:27 art to build a planet um you know i think back at the time they'd accepted three or four out of 2:19:34 a couple of hundred applications and it was certainly a challenge i wasn't 2:19:40 coming at it as someone with massive experience in game development 2:19:46 plenty of experience in business management consulting and things but um 2:19:52 you know we had to get stuck into it and yeah if my reader the situation was 2:19:58 right arcadia actually had about the smallest budget of any of the planets to build it 2:20:03 so we we've always been able to run lean um and certainly if we weren't able to run 2:20:09 away in the last few years we wouldn't be here so 2:20:15 we survived and um we come out stronger and 2:20:20 more positive and energized i'm looking forward to like some futures 2:20:26 with like the one thing i'm looking forward to is like the seeing like one of the things that was 2:20:32 mentioned earlier on that david has been forcing on really talking about is the interplanetary discussions but 2:20:39 yeah that's i'm really looking forward to it i'm really looking forward to there's some amazing things coming um everyone there is and i know 2:20:46 i i would love to keep talking it's 5 00 at 5 00 a.m here but i i want to go to bed right now i'm gonna let you go but i 2:20:53 think if we see something in the coming months that you know that does see 2:20:59 more players moving between more planets um you know we've certainly had our part to play in that so 2:21:06 fingers crossed that that that happens we want to see it moving we'll keep pushing 2:21:12 thanks everyone i'll look forward to doing it again bring drinks next time that's what we're 2:21:17 going to do next time bring some drinks and we have some beers 2:21:23 all right everyone thank you david thanks for joining up on such short notice i literally just grabbed you out of some of your meetings and i was like 2:21:29 we need to talk appreciate it had a backlog of a few calls to get onto 2:21:36 all right thanks everyone all right everyone have a blessed day thank you so much for listening in and thank you for your patience but um 2:21:44 you guys can expect some awesome things coming in the future all right and if you have any questions please talk ask 2:21:49 questions drop them in the discord that's what it's there for all right have a good evening and we'll catch up soon all right 2:21:55 see you guys soon cheers 2:22:11 thank you